Say NO to Monday Blue 🔵!

Vi Vien
Jun 20, 2021

Enjoy current moment.

Don’t worry about tomorrow as we should live in the current moment. Let tomorrow worries itself. Workloads will not reduce though we hope too. In fact, workloads increase. Let’s handle it with positive vibes.

Accept it as part of routine.

Stressing out yourself too much. Pressurized yourself too hard will not make Monday disappear. Reality, Monday comes every week. Instead avoiding Monday, why not accept it as it is.😊

Cheerful and grateful.

Cheerful and grateful can never go wrong. Positive vibe is crucial. According to scientific research, everyone have serotonin;a type of chemical compound in body which responsible for our happiness level. We tend to depress or low when our serotonin level drop. Thus, let’s not ready our serotonin level, instead maintain the joyfulness within ourself.

